Hey Blogsters,
So, it's the 26th of June 2013, and it's my first day of Media Studies! So exciting. I'm bracing myself for a new journey, a new class, and also a new teacher. My emotions are fairly mixed, with differentiating feelings of fear and nervousness, however, the feeling of excitement had dominated all of these.
So, I chose Media because I find the subject interesting, as well as challenging. Also, my sister had previously chosen this subject, and told me how intrigued the subject is.
By the end of this year, I hope to achieve a grade that I will be satisfied with. I also hope to enjoy the course as I embark upon it, and hope that I bond with my teacher, Mr. Matthews, as well as my class. Similarly, I would like to balance out my work load with a bit of relaxation, which means that I will also enjoy the GCSE more.
I have to run now, I will post another blog soon,