Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Just Dance 4 - Readers Profile

Hey Blogsters, 
Today the task was to create an NME readers profile for a video game. The game that I chose was Just Dance 4 as its a well known game and many people can relate to it.

Here is what the finished readers profile looked like:

As you can see, the images in the NME reader profile are what are closely related to what the dance game would consist of ranging from drinks to famous celebrities.

Got to run blogsters,
Until next time.


Hey Blogsters,
Today's aim was to use Typology to get a certain affect on a word by using specific types of font, colour, shape and ect.

Here are the different words and fonts that I used to create affect on the blogster:

As you can see, the words represent the the way in which the words are written. For example: Emperor has a crown on top of it, as an Emperor is someone who has wealth and is rich, therefore can afford a crown. Also, its in bold letters that are also capital as it shows the Emperor is a dominant person.

As I've said, typology is a creative way that you can present the word in,
But until next time blogsters,