It's my forth day of doing Media GCSE, and it's going great. The aim today was to get to know the 'user-friendly' software: Photoshop. Personally, I think it's very hard to use, but with the help of some teachers and students who are prone to this software, it gets easier.
After getting to know the software, it became easier to use and I produced an advert on Photoshop. The advert was aimed for a bank promotion, and it includes the different geniuses around the world. Usain Bolt, Albert Einstein, and Beethoven, are the three geniuses who are in my advert.
Here's a peak of what it looks like:

Overall, I was pretty impressed on how it turned out, bearing in mind that I'm not great at using Photoshop, as it was my first time. Hope you liked the ad.
I'll blog soon,
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